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Arabic for travelers  Arabic for Travelers

consular info sheets for Morocco, Tunisia & Egypt  Consular Info Sheets

country facts for Morocco, Tunisia & Egypt  Country Facts

country recipes of Morocco  Country Recipes

Travel North Africa's featured links  Featured Links

travel health tips  Health Tips

your rights when traveling  Know Your Rights

places to eat in Morocco, Tunisia & Egypt  Places to Eat

places to stay in Morocco, Tunisia & Egypt  Places to Stay

preparing & organizing your trip  Preparing & Organizing

time conversions for Morocco, Tunisia & Egypt  Time Conversions

transportation in Morocco, Tunisia & Egypt  Transportation

weather in Morocco, Tunisia & Egypt  Weather


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Arabic For Travelers:  Basics & Dining Out


Click on the Arabic word below, to hear its pronounciation.

English Word Word in Arabic
What's your name? Ma Ismok?
Nice to meet you Sorirart Biro'aitak
How are you? Kaifa Halok?
Good Taib/Bikair
Bad Saia/Mosh Bikair
So-so Eaini
Breakfast iftar
Lunch Gadaa
Dinner Ashaa
Vegetarian Nabati
Cheers! Fi sahitak
Please bring the bill El Fatora Min Fadilak
Water Ma'a
Coffee Kahioa
Tea Shai
Juice Asir
Beer & Wine Bira & Khamr
Beverage Sharab
Salt Malih
Pepper Filfil
Salad Salata
Fruit Fawakih
Beef La'him
Pork La'him kanzir
Fish Samak
Bread Kobiz

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